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[God of unfathomable grace]

God of unfathomable grace,
Unsearchable to mortal sight,
Faithful and just are all Thy ways,
Whatever is from Thee, is right:
In wisdom and mysterious love,
Thou hast revoked the blessing given;
Thy will be done beneath, above,
Thy name adored in earth and heaven.
A zealous instrument of good,
A vessel fit for use Divine,
Thy mercy on Thy church bestow'd,
And gave the burning light to shine:


Thy grace had first prepared his heart,
Dispell'd the Babylonish gloom,
And bid his early youth depart
The camp of antichristian Rome.
Drawn by a secret power, he flew,
(Nor stay'd to prop the papal throne,)
The truth determined to pursue,
And panting for a God unknown:
By works of legal righteousness
He blindly sought the grace to' obtain,
But could not find the paths of peace,
But labour'd through the fire in vain.
While thus he toil'd, a sudden cry
Proclaim'd the' approaching multitude:
They told of Jesus passing by,
Of free redemption in His blood:
Upstarted like the beggar blind,
He sprang the healing touch to meet,
Cast all his filthy rags behind,
And groan'd for faith at Jesus' feet.
The' incarnate God his sight restored,
With faith the heartfelt pardon gave,
And raised him up to preach his Lord,
So willing all mankind to save:
By Christ Himself ordain'd, and sent
An herald of redeeming grace,
Eager to the highways he went,
And fill'd the land with Jesus' praise.
But lo! the soul-ensnaring fiend,
Soon as the stripling's course began,
Urged him for trifles to contend,
And turn'd aside to janglings vain.


Not long: for soon his upright heart
Retrieved its momentary loss,
Resolved its utmost powers to' exert,
And only glory in the cross.
His course impetuous who can tell?
While battling with the' infernal foe,
He puts forth all his strength and zeal,
He spends his life at every blow!
Or fierce on the Philistines flies,
Compels the captives to come in,
Spoils Satan of his lawful prize,
And tears them from the toils of sin.
Refreshing, soft as vernal showers,
His word on weary sinners falls,
Or like the rapid torrent pours,
While souls to Jesus' blood he calls:
With strength and utterance from above
Drives on the saints through grace forgiven,
To scale the mount of holiest love,
To seize the brightest throne in heaven.