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By W. C. Bennett: New ed

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Seize,” I said, “O Art, thy pencil,
“And, in colours, all divine,
“Give her to my love for ever—
“Ever—ever, make her mine!
“Seize her smile ere time hath chill'd it;
“Fix her glance while yet 'tis bright;
“Give that brow unlined by sorrow,
“That deep hair untouch'd with white!”
Vain, all vain Art's efforts were;
O what art could image her!
And I cry to Memory ever,
Cry in vain to day—to night,
“Oh, if but for one sweet instant,
“Give her—give her to my sight!”
Weary day unheeding hears me;
Night, thrice weary, heeds me not;
Dim the image Memory brings me,
All its sweetness half forgot;
Eyes how chang'd from what they were!
Memory may not image her!