University of Virginia Library


“And all nations shall call you blessed, for ye shall be a delightsome land.” —Mal. iii. 12.

Land of the Free indeed!
Whose glorious conquests own
Subjects of every creed,
Your Christian name is known
Where'er your martial trumpet rings:
Bid it proclaim the King of kings.


O Land whose wondrous reign
Its peaceful sceptre bends,
From Eastern mount and main,
To Earth's remotest ends!
Unsetting suns your empire bless:
Announce the Sun of Righteousness.
His throne is on your hills:
All may draw near, and live.
His train your temple fills,
The beams of grace to give.
Then bid the seraph-missions fly,
Touched by the living flames on high.
Your conquering standards claim
Allegiance to your sway:
Extend it in His name
Whom heavenly hosts obey.
O'er earth your banner is unfurled:
Then plant the Cross throughout the world.