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or, Britans Second Remembrancer, bringing to Remembrance (in praisefull and Poenitentiall Hymns, Spirituall Songs, and Morall-Odes): Meditations, advancing the glory of God, in the practise of Pietie and Vertue; and applyed to easie Tunes, to be Sung in Families, &c. Composed in a three-fold Volume, by George Wither. The first, contains Hymns-Occasionall. The second, Hymns-Temporary. The third, Hymns-Personall. That all Persons, according to their Degrees, and Qualities, may at all Times, and upon all eminent Occasions, be remembred to praise God; and to be mindfull of their Duties

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Hymn XLIII. For St. Stephens-Day.


Stephen was one of the seven Deacons mentioned Act. 6. and the first Martyr of Iesus Christ. Hee powerfully maintained the Gospell by dispute, and sealed the Truth with his Blood: For which GOD is gloryed by this Dayes observation, and others by his exemplarie Constancie remembred


Sing this as the former.


Lord! with what Zeal, did Stephen breath
Thy Truth to such as him withstood?
How stoutly did he meet his Death,
To Seal thy Gospel, with his blood?
This Constancie, thy Grace hath Crown'd;
And, by so Dying; Life he found.


Much Love, did in that Saint appear,
When for his Murtherers, he su'd:
And, Faith had made his Eye-sight clear,
When thee, inthron'd in heav'n, he view'd.
In Torments, he true Patience kept;
And, di'd, as if he had but slept.


With his hot Zeal, our Hearts inflame;
So kinde, so constant, let us be:
In life, so let us Praise thy Name,
In Death, so let us looke on Thee:
And, when our Sleep, in Death we take,
With Him, to Life, let us awake.