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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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Mercy and Judgment I will sing,
I'le sing, O Lord, to thee;


And in a perfyte way will keep
The path of prudencie.
Thy presence when shall I enjoy?
I'le walk wt vpright hart.


Within myne house all wickednes
Shall from my presence part.


I hate ther work who turne aside,
To me it shall not cleave.


The part perversely that disposd
Is, may at me tak leave.


I'le know no wicked persoun, such
As privily employ
Their tongs, ther nighbours to traduce,
I'le vtterly destroy.
A proud high look, a haughty hart
Who haue, such I depise.


On them who faithfull in the land
Ar found, I'le sett myne eyes,
That they wt me may duell; the man
Who keips ane vpright way,
Is he whom for a servant chuise
I will, with me to stay.


No residence within myne house
For such as work deceat;
Not one establisht in my sight
Shall stand, who lyes relate.


Betimes the leude ones of the land
Shall be cutt off by me;
That of all wicked workers thus,
God's citty purg'd may bee.