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VVho can assure you that the provocations
Whereby, now very many in both Nations,
Exasperated are, will not afford
Fit opportunities by your discord
Some such contrivances then to project
And prosecute, as prudence may suspect?
For, though what Faction moves mad men to do
VVill ruine them at last, so 'twill you too.
VVhat, men who have good consciences will shun
VVill by men without consciences be done


VVhen God shall let them loose, or call together
All sors of sinners to correct each other.
'Tis likewise possible, that many things
Pretended causes of your quarrellings
If they were well examin'd, would be found
Meer scandals raised without real ground,
To make misactings on both sides appear
(By Aggravations) greater then they were.
For, in both Nations, there is such a Rabble
(By their ill manners much more despicable
Then by their Fortunes) who, for servile ends,
In hope of profit, (or to make them friends
Of those whom they sought to exasperate)
Did some misactings much more aggravate
Then there was cause; and so, that which was bad
VVas by their falshood, more offensive made:
This, hath been kindling 'twixt you many years
A smothering Fire, which now to Blaze appears;
But hitherto these had not power to blow
The flame so high as they have rais'd it now:
For, GOD did but permit them for probation
And though it was of long continuation,
Hath so your wealth increas'd, that as 'twixt Lot
And Abraham, it now hath strife begot.
GOD, by his grace, direct you to a course,
The consequent thereof may not be worse.