University of Virginia Library


The subject of this sketch was born at Nottoway C. H., Virginia, on
May 15, 1837, the son of George and Catherine (Campbell) Fitzgerald.
His father died in 1863, and his mother died in 1839. Both were born
in Nottoway county, and were of families honorably identified with its
annals. Francis Fitzgerald, father of George, and for fifty years clerk
of Nottoway county, was the son of Captain William Fitzgerald, who
served with that rank in the Revolutionary war, and took part in the
battle of Guilford C. H. Catherine, mother of Colonel Fitzgerald, was
the daughter of Dr. A. A. Campbell, who was a surgeon in the war of
1812, and who represented Nottoway county many years in the legislature
and senate of Virginia. The wife of Colonel Fitzgerald, whom he
married in Prince Edward county, December 23, 1863, Rev. R. L. Dabney,
D. D., uniting them, is also of eminent Virginian families. She was
born in Prince Edward county, Florida Frances, daughter of William
Cabell Flourney. Her father, born in 1812, died in 1861, was the
grandson of William Cabell of Nelson county. Her mother is Martha
M. Venable, born in 1816, living now at Farmville.

Colonel Fitzgerald was educated at Hampden-Sidney college, and
was graduated there in June, 1857, studied law at the University of
Virginia, 1857-8, and was licensed to practice law on July 30, 1858.
He located in Prince Edward county in October, 1858, and was in
practice there when war was inaugurated. He entered service as
first lieutenant of Company I, 23d Virginia Infantry; was promoted
captain July 25, 1861; major, June 10, 1863; lieutenant-colonel, same
regiment, November 27, 1863. His service was from May, 1861, to the
surrender, and under Gens. Garnett and H. R. Jackson in Northwest


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Virginia, "Stonewall" Jackson in the Valley. He was wounded at
Sharpsburg, and captured at Spottsylvania C. H. Taken a prisoner
to Fort Delaware, he was one of the fifty field officers sent thence to
Charleston, South Carolina, in 1864, to be put under fire of the Confederate
guns; was exchanged at Charleston.

After the war, Colonel Fitzgerald resumed his practice in Prince
Edward county. Since October, 1885, he has been treasurer of the
Union Theological Seminary at Farmville and of Hampden-Sidney
college. He takes great interest in secret societies; is a Mason, Knight
of Honor, and Royal Arcanum. In 1883-4 was representative of Virginia
Grand Lodge K. of H. to Supreme Lodge; and since then has been
a member of the committee of Appeals and Grievances of the Supreme
Lodge, and chairman of committee for the last three years.