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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Sec. 28-9. Signs for which permit not required.

No permit shall be required for the following signs, provided
they are installed in compliance with the provisions of
this chapter:

(a) Real estate signs, not exceeding six square feet in area,
which advertise for sale or rental the land or building upon


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which such signs are located. Such signs shall not be illuminated
and shall not be more than four feet in height.

(b) A temporary real estate sign announcing the development
of a new subdivision when:

(1) Only one sign is erected on the land or building.

(2) It is not illuminated.

(3) It is not over fifty square feet in area.

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(4) It is not over ten feet in height.

(5) It is not less than fifty feet from any street intersection
or adjacent property.

No such sign shall remain standing after eighty per cent of
the subdivision lots have been sold.

(c) Professional name plates, not exceeding one square foot
in area, when placed flat upon the wall of the building.

(d) Bulletin boards, not over twenty-four square feet in
area, for municipal or governmental buildings or for buildings
used for religious purposes, when erected upon the building
or land upon such building is located.

(e) Monumental inscriptions, memorial signs or tablets
containing the name of a building or date of erection, etc.,
when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of
bronze or other incombustible material.

(f) Signs denoting the architect, engineer or contractor
when placed upon work under construction. The total area
of such signs shall not exceed thirty-two square feet per
project and such signs shall not be illuminated.

(g) Traffic or municipal signs, railroad crossing signs,
danger, safety, temporary or emergency signs or Christmas
decorations across a public right of way, as may be authorized
by the city manager.

(h) Signs painted on the exterior surfaces of a building,
but only in B-1, B-2, B-3, M-1 and M-2 zoning districts, and
then only when they comply with the provisions of this chapter.

(i) A traffic safety sign, which has been approved as to size,
type and location by the city council, constructed and maintained
by a nonprofit organization. (8-5-63; 3-1-65.)