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The early poems of John Clare

1804-1822: General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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[I wish that I was but a gay blushing rose]
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[I wish that I was but a gay blushing rose]

I wish that I was but a gay blushing rose
Pluckt from my loves favourite trees
That in my loves garden delightfully blows
My loves fickle eye for to please
That when she in rapture pind me to her breast
So white & so sweet to the eye
I might in that station of compact & rest
Find the peace which I fre[quently] sigh
I wish I could be a woodbines gadding flower
That in my loves garden appear
A twining so sweetly around my loves bower
Whose sweets to my love are so dear
That when she delighted my fragran[c]e would sip
& stooping my sweetness to gain
I might from the heaven that glows on her lip
Snatch the blessing I long for in vain