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A memorial volume of sacred poetry

by the late Sir John Bowring. To which is prefixed, a memoir of the author, by Lady Bowring
1 occurrence of man whom men have deified
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God ever Present.

1 occurrence of man whom men have deified
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God ever Present.

Yes! Thou art with me, and with Thee
I cannot be alone,
For joy shall bear me company,
And peace shall be my own.
The solitude Thou hoverest nigh
Is peopled all with bliss:
The sandy waste, when Thou art by,
A verdant landscape is.
There is no night where Thou art seen:
No light can day afford
Without Thy rays to gild the scene—
Without Thy presence, Lord!
Be with me ever! Ever bless,
And ever guide—and be,
In life's decay and death's distress,
On earth, in heaven, with me.