University of Virginia Library



“Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”—Isai. xl. 3.

Churches of Christ, by God's right hand
Thick-planted in this favoured land!
If to your hearts His word be dear,
Oh, think of those who pine to hear,
Far from their native shores exiled,
A pastor's voice amid the wild.
Oh, let a voice of comfort bless
The lone and rugged wilderness.
Send faithful shepherds forth, to feed
The scattered wanderers in their need.
Straight paths for feeble knees prepare;
And drooping hands sustain by prayer.
The heathen who in darkness lay,
Wake to the dawn of heavenly day:


But shall a worse than pagan night
O'ertake the race that dwelt in light;
And Britain's God, to Britons thrown
On distant shores, become unknown?
Great Shepherd of the ransomed seed!
For Thy dispersed ones we plead.
How shall these multitudes be fed?
'Tis Thine to multiply the bread.
Richly hast Thou our wants supplied:
By us, for them, for all, provide.