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The English Dance of Death

from the designs of Thomas Rowlandson, with metrical illustrations, by the author of "Doctor Syntax" [i.e. William Combe]

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“The reason why I call'd you here,
“My worthy Friends, will soon appear;
“Nor shall I words and time employ
“Your friendly patience to annoy.
“The suit which each of you preferr'd
“I have, with due attention, heard,
“As each, in secret and alone,
“Express'd a wish to make it known:
“But Suitors' vows when they are made,
“In quiet room or bowery shade,
“Are seldom with discretion weigh'd,
“And oft are fashion'd to deceive
“The Maid who ought to disbelieve.
“Thus I've determin'd to resort
“To something like an open Court,


“Where no one, sure, will dare to tell
“What watchful rivals may repel;
“Or hide, by base, sophistic art,
“The real dictates of the heart.
“Thus I shall hear, what Female Youth
“So seldom hears—th'unvarnish'd Truth.
“—Know then, that I, who here preside,
“The Tenour of your thoughts to guide,
“Shall draw a strong and certain Line,
“Which must your varying thoughts confine
“Within the limits I ordain
“The several Claimants to maintain.”