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The Works of the Late Aaron Hill

... In Four Volumes. Consisting of Letters on Various Subjects, And of Original Poems, Moral and Facetious. With An Essay on the Art of Acting

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The following SONG, To the Tune of Jolly Watermen.

Good Sense.

D'ye know me! yes, Good Sense, my name;
Despise me not, though small;
For wou'd the pit grow kind to wit,
You'd see me, soon, grow tall.
Toll loll, &c.

Good Nature.

For me, my name's Good Nature,
The tinyest thing alive;
But wou'd you be, from faction, free,
Good Lord! how I should thrive!
Toll loll, &c.


Good Sense.

Wou'd handsome wives be rul'd by me,
They should, with kindness, kill;
In Joy, grow old, and never scold,
And please, without Quadrille.
Toll loll, &c.

Good Nature.

Their husbands, then, should learn to love,
And lead the happiest lives:
Forbear to roam, and find, at home,
Whate'er they want, in wives.
Toll loll, &c.

Good Sense.

The Courtier, he should learn from me,
To hope no comfort, there:
And he, whom fate, has made not great,
Should bless his 'scape, from care.
Toll loll, &c.

Good Nature.

To painful prudes, and light coquetts,
I'd give these safe alarms:
That art is base, and spoils a face,
While goodness, always charms.
Toll loll, &c.


Good Sense.

Poets should fall in love, with me,
Good nature.
With me, the dreadful pit:
Good Sense.
Good sense combin'd—
Good Nature.
Good nature join'd,
Then, hey boys, up goes wit.
Toll loll, &c.