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The Garden.
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The Garden.

The issue of great Ioue, draw nere you, Muses nine:
Help vs to praise the blisfull plott of garden ground so fine.
The garden giues good food, and ayd for leaches cure:
The garden, full of great delite, his master dothe allure.
Sweet sallet herbs bee here, and herbs of euery kinde:
The ruddy grapes, the seemly frutes bee here at hand to finde.
Here pleasans wanteth not, to make a man full fayn:
Here marueilous the mixture is of solace, and of gain.
To water sondry seeds, the forow by the waye
A ronning riuer, trilling downe with liquor, can conuay.
Beholde, with liuely heew, fayr flowrs that shyne so bright:
With riches, like the orient gems, they paynt the molde in sight.
Beez, humming with soft sound, (their murmur is so small)
Of blooms and blossoms suck the topps, on dewed leaues they fall
The creping vine holds down her own bewedded elms
And, wādering out wt branches thick, reeds folded ouerwhelms.
Trees spred their couerts wyde, with shadows fresh and gaye:
Full well their branched bowȝ defend the feruent sonne awaye.
Birds chatter, and some chirp, and some sweet tunes doo yeeld:
All mirthfull, wt their songs so blithe, they make both ayre, & feeld.
The garden, it allures, it feeds, it glads the sprite:
Frō heauy harts all doolfull dumps the garden chaseth quite.
Strength it restores to lims, drawes, and fulfils the sight:
With chere reuiues the senses all, and maketh labour light.
O, what delites to vs the garden ground dothe bring?
Seed, leaf, flowr, frute, herb, bee, and tree, & more, then I may sing.