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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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ijo in auditu, cum ei obprobria & blasfemie irrogate sunt.

The secunde maner, by hering

Obprobria Christi & blasfemie.

pynet he was ful pitousely,
when he herd Iewes fast crying
that he wolde Moyses lawe destruye.
And als in mony an-other thing
thay fondet to do hym any,
but four prerogatiues had that keng
to maister hom whit, as tel wol I.

Habuit primo excellentissimam nobilitatem.

ffirst he hade excellent nobelte,
forto godhede ȝif we shyn go,
verray Goddes sone was he,
And heȝest heuen he com fro.
As to þe monhede, I may say
that he was comen of kynges blode,
therfore both God & kyng verray
I may preue hym, that was so gode,
And in-as-mich as he was mon
And comen of kynges kyndly,
kyng in erth I calle hym con,
And keng of heuen als verrayly.
Thus preue his noblete,
kyng of kenges men may hym calle,
And lord of lordes, non sich as he,
ffor of al wele he is þe walle.

Prope est rex regum & dominus dominancium.

Agayn quich noblay speken þai
repreuyng vnresonably
hym, that was Goddes son verray,
smyth sone calde hym hokerly.


Matheus xiijo: Nonne iste est filius fabri? Nonne mater eius dicitur Maria? Secundo habuit ineffabilem veritatem.

Sothnes he hade in hym also,
As hym-self saide in erth her
that he was way to wayue our wo,
sothnes, and lif all thre in fer.

Ego sum, via veritas & vita.

Aȝayn þat sothnes speken thay,
As writes þe gode sayn Ion i-wys,
repreuyng hym that he shuld say
thing that wer fals & al amys.

Iohannes viijo: Tu de te ipso testimonium perhibes, testimonium tuum non est verum.

‘Lo her,’ þai saiden, ‘he was fals,’
that was walle of al sothnes,
way & lif in hym was als,
As I saide bifore expres.
But sich sothnes had not Pilate,
quen Ihesu Crist bifore hym come,
that of sothnes laft þe riȝt gate
And for hym falsly ordeynt dome.
for he bigan his iugement
with sothnes, as I shal ȝou say,
but from þat way ful sone he went
for wordly dede that ilk day.
ffor quen he hade first tenderly
examinet hou þe cause stode,
he fonde gret malys & enuy
In hom, & in Ihesu but gode,
And saide, ‘in hym cause fynde I none.’
then wer þai ferd lest he shuld wende,
And saiden, ‘ȝif þou let þis mon gone,
thou nart not þe emperoures frende.’


Si hunc dimittis, non es amicus Cesaris.

Then dred he indignacioun
of þe emperour time comyng,
And delyueret aȝayn resoun
Ihesu to deth bout tarying.

Tercio habuit insuperabilem potestatem.

Also Crist hade, leuen we,
So fulle miȝt & eke power
that miȝt no way ouer-comen be,
As Ion þe euangelist witnes her:

Omnia per ipsum facta sunt & sine ipso factum est nihil.

‘Alle thing,’ he saide, ‘by hym ben made,
And bout hym is made no thing,’
Ȝet aȝayn þis þe Iewes hade
Agayn resoun aȝayn-pittyng.

Mattheus xiio: Hic non eicit demonia nisi in Belzebub principe demoniorum.

Thai saide quen he hade helide one
that with an eul gost nyet was,
that he by oþer power none
then deulis power wroȝt so has.

Item Mattheus xxviio: Alios saluos fecit, seipsum non potest &c.

Also þai saide that holpen hade he
mony bifore out of hor tene,
but saue hym-self from rode tre
myȝt he not then, as wel was sene.
‘lo her,’ þai saide, ‘he hade no myȝt,’
of quych þe contrary preue I may,
As schowide was ryȝt in hor siȝt
quen he was taken þe selue day;
For alle that wer at his takyng
with his voice he drof hom doun,
ffor as thai to hym wer comyng
And forto sese hym redy boun,


he asket hom qvo þai soȝt so.
‘Ihesu of Naȝareth,’ saide þay,
And fellen doun onon riȝt tho
the first worde that he con say.

Quem queritis? Ihesum Nazarenum, & continuo ceciderunt in terram.

opon this spekes saynt Austyn,
And sais ful wel & witterly
that I shal first say in Latyn
And in Englisch openly:

Augustinus: Vna vox turbam odiis ferocem, armis terribilem sine vllo telo percussit, reppulit, strauit virtute latentis diuinitatis. Quid iudicaturus faciet, qui iudicandus hoc fecit? Quid regnaturus poterit, qui moriturus hoc fecit?

‘One voice,’ sais Austyn, ‘drof al doun
long-straȝt laide & put aȝayn
wode peple & to bataile boun
wel armet & of mich mayn;
‘With-out weppen, saue voys i-wys
And hudde godhede hym with-in,
so maistride he that diden omys,
on his myȝt that þai shuld myn.
‘How hope ȝe sich a kyng con do,
qven he shal sitt on iugement,
That so his iugement goyng to
with voice his enmys shamely shent?
‘Quat hope ȝe that he be of myȝt
to do in his revme quen he is,
that to þe deth goyng that nyȝt
so foule feride hom as in this?’


Quarto habuit singularem bonitatem, quia nemo bonus nisi solus Deus.

the furth vertu þat hade he,
to quich þai putten obiectioun,
that was excellent bounte,
As I may preue ȝow by resoun.
ffor, as is writen in holy writt,
nomon is gode with-outen vice,
saue only God, leues wel hit,
to wayue al syn may be so wys;
ffor seuen sith in one day,
I fynde, a riȝtwis mon shal falle,
but Cristis godnes in gode fay
Appair myȝt not þe Iewes alle.

Sepcies in die cadit iustus.

Ȝet aȝaynus his gret godnes
putten þe Iewes apertly,
And saiden a synful mon he wes,
As sayn Ion mas mynde witerly.

Iohannes vio: Nos scimus, quia hic homo peccator est, quia seductor est in sermone.

‘We knowen,’ saide þe Iewes tho,
‘that this mon ful synful is,
And fondes by worde to do vs wo,
And bigile vs alle omys.’

Lucas: Commouit populum docens per vniuersam Iudeam incipiens a Galilea vsque huc.

Also þai saiden þer þat he
meuet þe peple wonderly
thurȝe-out Iude & Galile
And taght hom so apertely.


Also thai saide with al his myȝt
Moyses laȝe he wold destrye,
As ȝe moun se her in ore siȝt,
Ion witnes hit apertly.

Iohannes ixo: Non est hic homo a Deo, qui Sabbatum non custodit.

‘this mon’, þai saide, ‘þat is her
nys not on Goddis bihalue i-wys,
that kepis not in gode maner
his hali-day, as þe laȝe is.’

Tercio fuit eius dolor [in] odoratu.

the third sorow þat he hade
was of sauour al vnswete,
And gret stynk þer was made
with mennus carayns forto mete.
for on that mount of Caluarie
wer men punyscht for hor syn,
And stynkyng bodies mony by
And wiccut air that plas with-in.
ffor Caluarie is as mich to say
As balletship of hedes bar
of men quen flesch is al away,
And sich wer mony lying thar
Of men gyrd of þe hede bifore,
And lying þer al opunly;
And therfore þat mount thurȝe clercus lore
was callide mount of Caluary,
so that in smellyng Crist had gret tene
quen he was comen to þat plas,
thus in thre wittes, with-out wene,
wonderly he pynet was.


Quarto in gustu.

The furth penauns was in tastyng,
for quen he criet, ‘I am thirsty,’
Aisel & myrre thai con hym bryng
with atter medelide hastily,
That he thurȝe aisel drynkyng
to þe deth myȝt soner hy,
And thay that wer to hym kepyng
Soner shutt of hor baly.
ffor hit was Iewes opinioun
Aisel shuld bryng hym sone to deth,
And mirre shuld sone dryue doun
forto suffre of hit þe breth,
And of atter þe bitternes
In tastyng hit shuld do hym tene,
And poysoun hym sone in that destres,
this was hor thoȝt, as wel was sene.

Quinto in tactu.

The fift sorow was in touchyng,
for al þe places of his body
ffrom hede to hele, bout lesyng,
al was to-torne dispitusly.
And that alle wittes nyet wer,
Bernarde preues apertly,
As I shal rehers ȝou her,
leret & lewide to lerne þer-by.

Bernardus: Caput angelicis tremebundum spiritibus densitate spinarum pungitur, facies pulcra pre filiis hominum sputis Iudeorum deturpatur, oculi lucidiores sole caligantur in morte, aures, que audiunt angelicos cantus, audiunt peccatorum insultus, os, quod docet angelos, felle & aceto potatur, pedes, quorum scabellum adoratur, quoniam sanctum est,


cruci clauo affiguntur, manus, que formauerunt celos, cruce, sunt extense & clauis affixe, corpus verberatur, latus lancea perforatur, et quid plura? Non remansit in eo nisi lingua, vt pro peccatoribus exoraret & matrem discipulo commendaret.

Sayn Bernard first at Cristes hede
bygynnes forto speke expres,
And al þe body nothing is lede
that he ne tellis ich distres
That he tholet, as was sene,
In body & wittes two.
for first hys hede with thornus kene
ful bitterly was stongen tho.
The fairest face þat euer had mon
that time for vs was shamly shent
with sputyng hokerly þer-on,
for monnus hele sich harm he hent.
His eȝen þat wer more cler
then þe sone is in his kynde,
wiht delful dethe made thester wer,
that dele hit ys to haue in mynde.
His eres, that heren angel song,
herden the sinful men gladyng;
that mouthe, that tagh aungeles ymong,
atter and aysel had to drynke.
The fete that so worthy wer
mon cusse the stole thay stonden on
for holines, as he says her,
wiht nayle wer fechet the rode opon.
The hondes, that mad heuen blisse,
on croice wer sprad dyspitouesly
and wihit nayles ficchit amys,
to bryng mon-kynd out of anye.


His body was beten her and ther,
no place laft on hit vntorne,
hys syde was perset wiht a sper,
to releue that wer forlorne.
So nothing laft saue tong onely,
thas he for synful men might pray,
and to bytake hys moder Mary
to hys disciple to kepe that day.