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The Works of Thomas Campion

Complete Songs, Masques, and Treatises with a Selection of the Latin Verse: Edited with an introduction and notes by Walter R. Davis

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To the Right Noble and Vertuous Theophilus Howard,

Lorde of Walden, sonne and Heire to the right Honorable the Earle of Suffolke.

If to be sprong of high and princely blood,
If to inherite vertue, honour, grace,
If to be great in all things, and yet good,
If to be facill, yet t'have power and place,
If to be just and bountifull, may get
The love of men, your right may chalenge it.
The course of forraine manners far and wide,
The courts, the countries, Citties, townes and state,
The blossome of your springing youth hath tried,
Honourd in ev'ry place and fortunate,
Which now grown fairer doth adorne our Court
With princelie revelling, and timely sport.
But if th'admired vertues of your youth
Breede such despairing to my daunted muse,
That it can scarcely utter naked truth,
How shall it mount, as ravisht spirits use,
Under the burden of your riper dayes,
Or hope to reach the so far distant bayes?
My slender Muse shall yet my love expresse,
And by the faire Thames side of you sheele sing;
The double streames shall beare her willing verse
Far hence with murmur of their ebbe and spring.
But if you favour her light tunes, ere long
Sheele strive to raise you with a loftier song.