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If yet you know it not, now be it known
That, by the power which is on you bestown
To be on all occasions, whilst you have it
Employed for his honour who first gave it)


You were intrusted, and inabled so
As you have been, not your own will to do;
Or, that you to exalt your selves above
Your Neighbours, GODS donations, might improve
Into such an exorbitance of power
That, at your pleasure, you might them devour,
Oppress your Brethren, and advantage them
VVho Adversaries are to you and him:
For, they were given to preserve their Peace
VVho, under you, in love and righteousness
Desire to live; the same Faith have profest,
And by Usurping Tyrants are opprest;
VVhich Grace if you shall turn into oppression
Or wantonness, will hasten your perdition;
Make many of your truest Friends grow sad
And me, who of your welfare should be glad,
Be forc'd my work to close (in imitation
Of Jeremiah) with a Lamentation.
You will but give your foes just cause to laugh
To see you quarrelling for straw and chaff
VVilst they get opportunity to burn
Those Granards down, whereby the precious corn
Might be preserv'd, wherewith your bread of life,
May be supply'd, if you desist from strife.