University of Virginia Library


Think on him, Lord! we ask thy aid
In life's most dreaded extremity:
For evil days have come to him,
Who in his youth remembered thee.
Look on him, Lord! for heart and flesh,
Alike, must fail without thy grace:
Part back the clouds, that he may see
The brightness of his Father's face.
Speak to him, Lord! as thou didst talk
To Adam, in the Garden's shade,
And grant it unto him to hear
Thy voice, and not to be afraid.
Support him, Lord! that he may come,
Leaning on thee, in faith sublime,
Up to that awful landmark, set
Between eternity and time.
And, Lord! if it must be that we
Shall walk with him no more below,
Reach out of heaven thy loving hand,
And lead him where we cannot go.