University of Virginia Library


Sharp often said he was poorly paid,
That he spent his salary three times over,
That extravagant ways, on some of these days,
Would send him adrift as a houseless rover.
Nevertheless, he grew neat in his dress,
And did not seem to be penniless.
Boots from Brooks, and hat from Knox,
Bouquet d'Ogarita to freshen his locks,
A broadcloth coat of the finest and best,
Gold chains crossing his velvet vest,
Cassimere trowsers, that fitted as sleek
As though they had grown to the delicate skin;
A costly repeater, with musical tick,
And from Tiffany's shop, a diamond pin;
Things like these his person bore—
These he had, and some little more.
He had his phaeton, of elegant style,
With as fine a trotter as he could find,
“Inside of the forties” to go his mile;
And a spotted dog, to travel behind.
He went to the Opera now and then,
But not like the poorer, musical asses,
In the upper tiers, with the lower classes,
But down below, with the upper ten;
And gave to all charities, giving account
In the newspapers, both of the name and amount.