University of Virginia Library

Scene VIII.

Clotaldo, Rosaura, and Clarin.
Heaven has sent a happier fate;
Since I need not now admit it,
I'll not say he is my son.—
Strangers who have wandered hither,
You are free.

I give your feet
A thousand kisses.

I say misses,
For a letter more or less
'Twixt two friends is not considered.

You have given me life, my lord,
And since by your act I'm living,
I eternally will own me
As your slave.

The life I've given
Is not really your true life,
For a man by birth uplifted
If he suffers an affront
Actually no longer liveth;
And supposing you have come here
For revenge as you have hinted,
I have not then given you life,
Since you have not brought it with you,


For no life disgraced is life.—
(This I say to arouse his spirit.)

I confess I have it not,
Though by you it has been given me;
But revenge being wreaked, my honour
I will leave so pure and limpid,
All its perils overcome,
That my life may then with fitness
Seem to be a gift of yours.

Take this burnished sword which hither
You brought with you; for I know,
To revenge you, 'tis sufficient,
In your enemy's blood bathed red;
For a sword that once was girded
Round me (I say this the while
That to me it was committed),
Will know how to right you.

In your name once more I gird it,
And on it my vengeance swear,
Though the enemy who afflicts me
Were more powerful.

Is he so?

Yes; so powerful, I am hindered
Saying who he is, not doubting
Even for greater things your wisdom
And calm prudence, but through fear
Lest against me your prized pity
Might be turned.

'Twill rather be,
By declaring it, more kindled;
Otherwise you bar the passage
'Gainst your foe of my assistance.—
(Would that I but knew his name!)

Not to think I set so little
Value on such confidence,


Know my enemy and my victim
Is no less than Prince Astolfo,
Duke of Muscovy.

Badly can my grief supply
Since 'tis heavier than I figured.
Let us sift the matter deeper.—
If a Muscovite by birth, then
He who is your natural lord
Could not 'gainst you have committed
Any wrong; reseek your country,
And abandon the wild impulse
That has driven you here.

I know,
Though a prince, he has committed
'Gainst me a great wrong.

He could not,
Even although your face was stricken
By his angry hand. (Oh, heavens!)

Mine's a wrong more deep and bitter.

Tell it, then; it cannot be
Worse than what my fancy pictures.

I will tell it; though I know not,
With the respect your presence gives me,
With the affection you awaken,
With the esteem your worth elicits,
How with bold face here to tell you
That this outer dress is simply
An enigma, since it is not
What it seems And from this hint, then,
If I'm not what I appear,
And Astolfo with this princess
Comes to wed, judge how by him
I was wronged: I've said sufficient.

[Exeunt Rosaura and Clarin.
Listen! hear me! wait! oh, stay!


What a labyrinthine thicket
Is all this, where reason gives
Not a thread whereby to issue?
My own honour here is wronged,
Powerful is my foe's position,
I a vassal, she a woman;
Heaven reveal some way in pity,
Though I doubt it has the power;
When in such confused abysses,
Heaven is all one fearful presage,
And the world itself a riddle.