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Oh worthy pair of sons!—What star of mine
Will join to you a third with such deserts?
Though I deem'd Garcia guilty, I ne'er deem'd
His guilt was so atrocious. But, methinks,
With what impression ought I to behold
Diego, who, though destined to command,
Solicits pardon for received offences.
It grieves me to be forced to praise in him
That with my tongue, which in my heart I blame.
But yet he is a novice in the arts
Of government; in time he'll be more wise.
I see within him all the qualities
That form a perfect prince. I must instruct him,
By my example, that, to govern well,
The less we should forgive, e'en as the ties
Of blood are more implicit, and the more
Th'offender to the offended is allied.