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Enter Eudosia and Granius: Lucia attending at a Distance.
Talk not to me, officious Slave, of Love:
All thy Persuasions will successless prove.
Go, tell thy Master, I his Flame despise
Tho' Manlius sues, Eudosia still denies.

Oh, fair Eudosia, if my Master's Charms
Cannot attract you to his longing Arms,
Think on his Wealth; let that your Fancy raise:
See, with what Lustre all these Jewels blaze!
Here wanton Cupid plays with subtle Art,
And every glittering Gem appears a Dart.

[Offers her the Bracelet.
Granius, be gone, and back thy Presents bear;
Tell Manlius I his Bracelet scorn to wear;
Tell him his Passion does ungrateful prove,
And my Disdain is equal to his Love.
Come, virtuous Lucia, now the Hour's at Hand,
When we before Diana's Shrine should stand,
Should at her Altars our Devotion pay,
And beg the usual Blessings of the Day.


Still art thou there?—
[Looks earnestly on Granius.
My flutt'ring Heart with high Resentment beats;
For Virtue suffers when with Shame she treats.
Ye Powers divine, who guard a Virgin's Fame,
Let no licentious Wish my Breast enflame.

[She goes on: Lucia following, Granius calls her back.