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Oh Jupiter! I do not wonder now
That men run mad with injuries. He drags me
Out of my own house; cudgels me most soundly;
And carries off my slave against my will:
And after this ill treatment, he demands
The Musick-Girl to be made over to him,
At the same price I bought her.—He has pour'd
His blows upon me, thick as hail; for which,
Since he deserves so nobly at my hands,
He should no doubt be gratified.—Nay, nay,
Let me but touch the cash, I'm still content.
But this I guess will be the case: as soon
As I shall have agreed to take his price,
He'll produce witnesses immediately,
To prove that I have sold her.—And the money
Will be mere moon-shine.—“By and by.”—“To morrow.”
—Yet I could bear that too, tho' much wrong,
Might I but get the money after all:
For thus it is, friend Sannio; when a man


Has taken up this trade, he must receive,
And pocket the affronts of young gallants.
—But nobody will pay me, and I draw
Conclusions to no purpose.