University of Virginia Library



Such is the Fate of Guilt, to make Slaves, Tools,
And then to make 'em Masters—by our Secrets;—
But oh! this cruel, this disdainful Fair!—
Spite of her rooted Hate she must be mine:
But how?—The Death of Decius?—Ay—'tis fix'd:—
She must be borne away too, and made happy
Against her Will:—Be not Half-Villain, Corvus;
One Hand in Guilt—plunge in its Fellow too,
And let both wear the Colour of my Thoughts.
See where she comes—Can Love be Weakness call'd,
That charms the strongest Passions of the Mind?
That subjects Reason to the Tye of Sense,
And pulls Ambition from its high-fix'd Seat?