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Scena tertia.

Enter Solyman, Beliarby nuntius.
If you will Rossa see aliue
You must make hast.

Fortune, hast thou not molds enough of sorrow,
Must thou yet these of loue and kindnesse borrow?
Yet tel me, whence grew Rossaes passion?

When hither I from Mustapha returned,
And had made you account of my Commission,
Rossa, whose heart in care of your health burned,
Curiously after Mustapha enquiring,
A token spies, which I from hence did beare
For Mustapha by sweete Camena wrought
(Yet gaue it not, for I began to feare,
And something more then kindnes in it thought:)
No sooner she beheld this pretious guift,
But as inrag'd, hands on her selfe she layd.
From me as one that from her selfe would shift
She runnes, nor till she found Camena, stayes.
I follow and heare, both their voyces high,
The one as doing, the other as suffering paine,:
But whether your Camena liue or die,
Or dead, if she by rage or guilt be slaine.
If she made Rossa mad, or Rossa mad
To hurt things deerest to her selfe be glad.
Or where the bounds of vnbound rage will stay.
If one or both, or which is made away
I know not, but O Solyman make hast.