A Christian turn'd Turke : Or, The Tragicall Liues and Deaths of the two Famous Pyrates, Ward and Dansiker | ||
Who writes and thinkes to please the generall tast,Where eyes and eares are fed, shal find he hath plast
His worke with the fond Painter, who did mend
So long, that striuing to please others, gaue no end
To his owne labours; for vs, and if not all
We know we haue pleased some, whose iudgements fall
Beyond the common ranke, to whom we humbly yeeld
Our selues and labours, they best deserue to sheeld
The worthy workes of Time, and with their view
To grace choyce Pennes, and such we hope are you,
To whom we owe our toyle, and willing giue
All right in this, your fauour makes it liue.
Stand faire vnto our ends then still, and crowne
With gentle hand this worke which now's your owne.
A Christian turn'd Turke : Or, The Tragicall Liues and Deaths of the two Famous Pyrates, Ward and Dansiker | ||