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Well, next mornin', it happint, come two or three lads passin' here on the shore,
And seen somethin' amiss wid the Callaghans' place, and went up to the door;
But they found it flat-fallen, and the house-floor streeled over wid wisps of wet wrack,
Like as if 'twas a share of the beach, and a wave after just runnin' back.


And the table stood set for the supper. They said it 'ud turn your head white
To behold what was standin' up leanin' agin it. God help them that night,
The poor souls, when they seen what they'd brought wid their jeerin' and foolin' the child.
And Young Dan was crouched up in a corner, clean daft, wid his eyes starin' wild,
And the sorrow a sinsible word, only screechin' to keep it away.
But Ould Dan and poor Mick man nor mortal's seen trace of by lan' or by say.