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A Word of Wisdom.
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A Word of Wisdom.

Make the best of all things,
As thy lot is cast;
Whatsoe'er we call things,
All is well at last
If meanwhile in cheerful power
Patience rules the suffering hour.
Make the best of all things,—
Howsoe'er they be;
Change may well befall things,
If it's ill with thee;
And if well, this present joy
Let no future fears destroy.


Make the best of all things,—
That is Wisdom's word;
In the day of small things
Is its comfort heard,—
And its blessing soothes not less
Any heyday of success.
Make the best of all things;
Discontent's old leaven
Falsely would forestall things
Antedating heaven,—
But smile thou and rest content,
Bearing trials wisely sent.