University of Virginia Library

God bless the Queen.

June 27, 1850.


(A loyal outburst, occasioned by the cowardly attack upon her Majesty.)

God bless the Queen! that echo darts
Electric through the land;
God save the Queen! a million hearts
Are with its fervour fann'd:


And, God be thank'd! He saves the Queen,
He blesses her in love;
His Providence is ever seen
To guard her from above!
O dastard! thus to strike that brow
Anointed, and so fair;
O brave young Queen! that bruise is now
The brightest jewel there!
In gentlest majesty sublime,
Courageous and serene,—
How nobly does so mean a crime
Add glories to the Queen!
Yes: evil men and evil deeds
Are like some monster chain'd,—
That, when its wickedness succeeds,
Works only good constrain'd:
O Queen! the deed a traitor dares
Is but a kindled spark
To set ablaze thy people's prayers
For Thee, the nation's Ark!