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The Prisoner of Love

By F. W. Orde Ward (F. Harald Wiliams)

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These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”—Rev. vii. 14.

O Virgin Church, I see before me rise
And standing where the blessed martyrs stood,
Unharmed in glorious shame
Betwixt the sword and flame;
Thou art the open door of Paradise,
Pure as was Mary in her maidenhood.
Thy towers are tops of day,
And in thy courts the little children play.
Purgèd by fire and the red axe and rope,
Thou hast learned love in iron schools of pain,
And wrung the jewel Light
From chambers of dread night;
Thou art the eternal Prisoner of Hope,
And Christ works with thee in one chosen chain—
Thou wouldest not be sweet,
Hadst thou not washed and kissed the Saviour's Feet.
White Mother Maiden, at thy holy breast
Gather for living food the souls that need,
In hunger of the heart;
Thou biddest none depart,
That by the Cross are crucified to rest—
Willing with precious blood to sow the seed.
And in thy crimson shrine,
God seems more Human and man more Divine