University of Virginia Library



From heaven's high embrasure
The sun with tufted rays
Illum'd the wandering azure
And all the world's wide ways.
Usurping in its olden
Abode the fog's demesne,
In watchet weeds and golden
The still air sparkled keen.
On window-sill and door-post,
On rail and tramway rust,
Embroidery of hoar-frost
Was sewn like diamond dust.


Unthronged, or crowded densely
By people business-led,
The pavements, tuned intensely,
Rang hollow to the tread.
The traffic hurled and hammered
Down every ringing street;
Like gongs the causeys clamoured,
Like drums the asphalt beat.
While ruling o'er the olden
Abode of fog unclean,
In watchet weeds and golden
The still air sparkled keen.