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Memoir and remains of the Rev. James D. Burns

... By the late Rev. James Hamilton [i.e. J. D. Burns]

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“When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee.”

Go forth upon the lonely sea,
No evil can betide,
When He who walked on Galilee
Goes with thee as thy Guide.
Within the hollow of His hand
The weltering waters lie;
And on the sea, as on the land,
He keeps thee in His eye.
The friends who love thee for thy weal
Will often breathe their prayers;
But trust in Him and thou shalt feel
A better love than theirs.
When they shall watch across the wave
Thy gleaming sail grow dim,
The thought will cheer them that they gave
Thy keeping unto Him.
In weakness He will be thy stay,
In darkness be thy light;
His presence cheer the lonely day,
And soothe the sleepless night.
Thro' all thy pilgrimage His grace
To guide thee will be given;
If here thou hast no resting-place,
The better home is heaven!