University of Virginia Library




Lonely, as a place enchanted
Lies the Lake, in silence deep;
Round, as warrior chiefs undaunted
Watch some throneless queen asleep,
Stand the cliffs in stern array!
Fissured piles of strata grey
By the water worn away!—
Your large eyes would larger grow
At their monstrous forms, I know,
With a solemn joy elate,
Were you here, my bonnie Kate!


Far above, their blue tops soar,
Spire and tower in outline bold;
All beseamed with snow-streaks hoar,
Solemn, lonely, bright and cold.


There the soft clouds as they rove
Pause—and stooping from above
Kiss the crests they seem to love!
You would deem them spirits fair
Playing each one with the hair
Of its giant warrior mate,
Were you here, my lively Kate!


Black upon the slopes so green
Swarm the arrow-headed pines;
Here, like troops with steady mien
Who in ordered squares and lines
Wait attack with vantage good;
There like foragers pursued
By a peasant multitude,
In close flight they seem to press
Up the hill, till we could guess
Which their stronghold, what their fate,
Were you here, my winsome Kate!


Balanced on the mountain side,
High in dizzy loneliness,
Oft a daring pine is spied,
Like a cragsman in distress.


Where all footing seems to end
Doubtful which way next to wend
If to mount or to descend!
Empty air around, beneath,
It would take away your breath
That sheer depth to calculate,
Were you here, my gentle Kate!


Now the gliding vessel passes
Cascades all around us dashing:
Some in downward-pointed masses
Densely smoking, fiercely flashing!
Some upon the slopes recline
Like fixed veins of silver, fine
As the network spiders twine;
Others hang like rippled tresses
Smoothly combed, a Maiden dresses:
You could ne'er your gazing sate
Were you here, my fine-nerved Kate!


Overhead the clouds float by,
But can scarce their way pursue,
For the tall cliffs touch the sky;
Look! from its intensest blue


Comes a snowy cascade slipping,
O'er successive ledges tripping;—
'Tis a whitewinged Angel stepping
Down from heaven! Oh you would prize
Those serenely-glowing eyes,
That sweet smile compassionate,
Were you here, my deep-souled Kate!


Faintly sing the thrushes, hark!
Far in yonder air-hung grove;
Pouring bolder notes, the lark
Dots the azure up above!
Lavishly his lays he flings
All around, and as he sings,
Spreads and folds his trembling wings
With uneasy motion, quite
Thrilled, convulsed with his delight!
You would sing with joy as great
Were you here, my sweet-voiced Kate!


By the ashy rocks below,
Mark, a hermit fisher gray,
How the heron, to and fro,
Slowly flaps his stealthy way!


Though alit, his long wings, see,
Still are flapping, as though he
Poised himself unsteadily;
Stirless, then, and gray as well,
As the rocks are—could you tell
Where he sits, his prey to wait,
Were you here, my bright-eyed Kate?


Oft the beetling ramparts ape
Gothic gables, quaintly planned;
Oft seem faced with many a shape
Carved by ancient Coptic hand.—
Watchful, mid the trees aloof
Dark red chalets, weather-proof
With projecting shadowy roof,
Seem to hint how well you may
In this tranquil Eden stay:—
What desire would they create
Were you here, my pensive Kate?


Some, depressed to see all kindness
Sunk in ruthless rage for gold;
Sick of party's cherished blindness,
Thus their wishes might unfold:


Here, with joys unknown to riot,
Sound repose and simple diet,
Books, and love, and thoughtful quiet,
One might dream a life away,
Always cheerful, often gay!—
You would wish for no such fate,
Were you here, my wiser Kate!


Well you know though Nature waste
Wonders here no words can frame,
Custom dulls the keenest taste,
Use makes even wonders tame!
Leisure has a leaden wing;
Happiness where'er it spring
Always is an active thing;
And whatever it profess,
Solitude is selfishness:—
Homely truths would have their weight,
Were you here, my thoughtful Kate!


Then our dear and noble land
Would present to memory's eye
If no hills, no rocks so grand,
Hearts as firm and minds as high!


Nature never has designed
Aught so wondrous as the Mind
Of mysterious humankind:
You would know where Mind is flashing,
Rapid as the cascade dashing!
You would bless your home, your state,
Were you here, my English Kate!