University of Virginia Library



My bairnies dear, when ye gang out,
Wi' ither bairns to play,
Tak' tent o' every thing ye do,
O' every word ye say;
Frae tricky wee mischievous loons
Keep back, my dears, keep back:
And aye to a' such usage gi'e
As ye would like to tak'.
To thraw the mouth, or ca' ill names,
Is surely very bad;
Then, a' such doings still avoid,
They'd mak' your mither sad.
To shield the feckless frae the strong
Be neither slow nor slack;
And aye to a' such usage gi'e
As ye would like to tak'.
Ne'er beat the poor dumb harmless tribe,
Wi' either whip or stick;
The mildest beast, if harshly used,
May gi'e a bite or kick.
On silly Sam, or crooked Tam,
The heartless joke ne'er crack;
But aye to a' such usage gi'e
As ye would like to tak'.
A kindly look, a soothing word,
To ilka creature gi'e;
We're a' One Maker's handiwork,
Whatever our degree.
We're a' the children o' His care,
Nae matter white or black;
Then still to a' such usage gi'e
As ye would like to tak'.