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The Slave, and Other Poetical Pieces

Being an Appendix to Poems by The Rev. Richard Mant

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------ neque tu pessima munerum
Ferres, divite me scilicet artium
Quas aut Parrhasius protulit, aut Scopas.
Gaudes Carminibus.
Hor. Od. IV. viii.

Marriott, who spread'st with friendly care
The poet's name, who holds afar
From Thames his peaceful way;
Accept, 'tis all he can impart,
(Nor Northcote's his nor Flaxman's art)
The monumental lay.
Accept the lay. Not e'er did Fame
On upright Hale's immortal name


A fairer light diffuse,
Than when in Cowper's verse it shin'd,
With Newton's sapient spirit join'd,
And Milton's angel Muse.
Sweet was that pensive poet's shell,
For inspiration lov'd to dwell
By Ouse's elmy side.
O might on me his mantle rest,
Born where low Itchin's waters haste
To swell the refluent tide!
O might my tuneful spirit flow
(Fond fancy's dream, my friend, allow)
Like his, sweet virtue's child!
Or his, the bard of Auburn's plain,
Or his, who breath'd his tender strain
To Arun's echoes wild!


Then should thy bard to future days
Delighted sing his Marriott's praise,
And tell of one, whose mind,
Not whole to rigid Themis given,
Religion touch'd with fire from heaven,
And Poesy refin'd:
Of one, whose bosom, burning bright
With private Friendship's purest light,
Yet felt a holier glow;
Blest, if his hand the wild career
Of daring vice could curb, and cheer
The path of modest woe.