University of Virginia Library


Pray are you wise, Sir? No, but I
Much wiser wish to be;
But perfect wisdom I disclaim
With all humility.
And are you orthodox? Oh, yes,
None more so can be found,
I've some regard to character,
And hate a man unsound.
But if you're only sound asleep,
And some one else awaking,
And, seeing that the sun is up,
Gives you a friendly shaking;
Though you may call him heretic,
He proves himself the wiser,
For evermore Truth's best success
Comes through the earliest riser.
If orthodoxy soundness be
In thought, and act, and word,
Of any man quite orthodox
Whoever yet has heard?
All such pretences Wisdom mocks
As gravely she replies,
There's only One that's orthodox,
He who alone is wise.