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Of him they spoke the truth, for he was true
And honest in that most dishonest cause—


The war against the liberty of man,—
The war against the liberty of thought,—
The war against the poor the rich have made,—
The temporising for the little while
During the which God holds responsible
The living man, then after “Come what may!
“So long as all the evils that ensue
“Come not in this, my time, it matters not,
“Starvation comes but once,—let well alone!”
This was his argument, could he have look'd
Into the selfish secrets of his soul;
But being kind and just in smaller things,
His very self suspected not himself
Of holding other than a party creed
Respectable and fair; if to himself
And those like him most fair, what matter then?
“Each for himself! He was an Englishman!”