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sylvan and sacred. By the Rev. Richard Wilton

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To-day I saw fresh violets blow
'Twixt withered leaves and lingering snow,
Autumn above, Winter below,
With Spring contending:
There lie the beech-leaves brown and sere,
The whiteness of the snow is here,
Between them purple blooms appear,
Their odours blending.
Thus, yielding not to dead regrets,
Or wintry trouble which besets
The present—like the violets
Our lives shall borrow


A brightness for the passing hour
From trust in that Almighty Power
Which bids us, like the thriftless flower,
Fear no to-morrow.
Like Autumn leaves joys pass away,
And storm-clouds vex us day by day,
Present and past have much to say
Our souls to sadden:
But simple trust will still find grace
To sweeten and adorn its place
And show a calm, contented face
The world to gladden.
Then let us leave the past behind,
And meet the present with a mind
Which breathes a fragrance on the wind
Of tribulation:


Care, like unseasonable snow,
Soon melts before the purple glow
Which violets of hope will throw
Round any station.