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The songs of the Wilsons

With a memoir of the Family, and several additional songs never before published. Edited by John Harland

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Tune—“Drops o' Brandy.”

By Mr Thomas Wilson.

Aw 'm a country lad yo mun know, an' aw live wi' my feyther an' mother;
The neighbours they co'n me “Rough Joe,” an' they sen 'at there 's not sich another:
For kissin' the lasses wi' glee aw 'm a country talk an' a din;
Boh if yo wun listen to me, yo'st yer heaw aw did get let in.
Rumpti, &c.
Awr'n tier't o' a dull country life, an' determin'd to goo into th' teawn,
An' theer to seek out a noice woife, an' no moor be a country cleawn.
Aw put on my new Sunday cooat, wi' buttons as breet as eawr kettle,
An' a new pair o' boots 'at aw bowt, an' aw seet out for town i' good fettle.
Rumpti, &c.
Awr'n at Manchester teawn in a toss, after walkin' abeawt seven moile;
An' when 'at aw geet to th' New Cross, the lasses quite lovin' did smoile.


Boh it bein' Sunday at noon, aw wurna' for stoppin' to talk,
For aw'd yeerd 'at o' th' fine lasses coom at neet to th' Infirmary Walk.
Rumpti, &c.
Piccadilly aw went to at neet, an' swagger'd and strutted quite clever,
An' mony a gay lass aw did meet; so “Bang-up,” says I, “now or never.”
Aich one 'at seed me made way; they seed 'at aw wur such a buck,
O' the gemmen aw carried the sway; thinks aw, neaw for a woife if aw've luck.
Rumpti, &c.
Among the gay folks then aw mix'd; to choose one aw walk'd a greet while;
At last upo' one aw did fix, and hoo gan me a sweet lovin' smoile.
Aw ne'er was so pleas't i' my loife: by th' mackins, thinks aw, hoo 's a lady;
Aw towd her aw'd mak' her my woife, and we 'd soon have a fine lusty baby.
Rumpti, &c.
We went jig-by-jog, up an' deawn, until the church clock struck eleven;
Quite lovingly rambled the town;—by th' mackins, my heart wur i' heaven!


Then hoo ax'd me wheer aw 'd goo, an' hoo towd me hoo'd find me a bed.
By'r lakins, thinks aw, this 'll do, an' aw towd her i' th' morn aw'd be wed.
Rumpti, &c.

[It is enough here to say, that Rough Joe was robbed of his watch and money.]

Then in comes a woman in haste, an' with her hoo browt a big mon,
And towd me hoo 'd get me weel laced, if aw didna' that minute goo whom.
So my bacon to save, off aw went, aw ne'er was so shawm'd i' my loife;
Boh for ever aw will be content with a country girl for my woife.
Rumpti, &c.