University of Virginia Library



With pensive eyes she passed the church,
And up the leafy woodland came;
Until she reached the silver birch
Where, long ago, he carved her name.
And “Oh!” she sighed, as soft she kissed
With loving lips that gentle tree,
“Alone, alone, I keep the tryst,
Return to Ireland, love, and me.


“Return! Columbia's realm afar,
Where year by year your feet delay,
We cannot match for moon or star
By silver night or golden day.
“Her birds are brighter far of wing
A richer lustre lights her flowers;
Yet still they say no bird can sing
Or blossom breathe as sweet as ours.
“Return! Her levin-flashes dire
Affright not here. We never know
Her awful rushing prairie-fire—
The silent horror of her snow.
“Return! Her heart is wise and bold—
Her borders beautiful and free—
Yet still the New is not the Old,
Return to Ireland, love, and me.”