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A Collection of Miscellanies

Consisting of Poems, Essays, Discourses & Letters, Occasionally Written. By John Norris ... The Second Edition Corrected

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The Consolation.


I grant 'tis bad, but there is some relief
In the Society of Grief.
'Tis sweet to him that mourns to see
A whole House clad in Sorrow's Livery.
Grief in Communion does remiss appear,
Like harsher sounds in Consort, which less grate the Ear.


Men would not curse the Stars, did they dispense
In common their ill Influence.


Let none be rich, and Poverty
VVould not be thought so great a Misery.
Our discontent is from comparison;
Were better states unseen, each man would like his own.


Should partial Seas wreck my poor Ship alone,
I might with cause my Fate bemoan.
But since before I sink, I see
A Numerous Fleet of Ships descend wih me,
Why don't I with content my Breath resign?
I will, and in the greater ruine bury mine.