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The Land of Love

A poem [by Aphra Behn]

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The Dream.

All trembling in my Arms Aminta lay,
Defending of the Bliss I strove to take;
Raising my Raptures by her kind Delay,
Her Force so charming was, and weak.


The soft Resistance did betray the Grant,
Whilst I press'd on the Heav'n of my Desires;
Her rising Breasts with nimbler Motions pant;
Her dying Eyes assume new Fires.
Now to the Height of Languishment she grows,
And still her Looks new Charms put on;
Now the last Mystery of Love she knows;
We sigh and kiss.—I wak'd, and all was done.
'Twas but a Dream; yet, by my Heart, I knew,
Which still was panting, part of it was true.
Oh! how I strove the rest to have believ'd,
Asham'd, and angry to be undeceiv'd!
But now Love calls me forth, and scarce allows
A Moment to the Gods to pay my Vows.
He all Devotion has in Disesteem,
But that which we too fondly render him.
Love dress'd me for the Day; we both repair,
With an impatient Haste, to Little Care;
Where many Days I Happiness pursu'd,
But Night still sends me to Inquietude.
But Love can recompence whene'er he please,
And has for ev'ry Cruelty an Ease.
He, like to bounteous Heav'n, assigns a Share
Of future Bliss to those who suffer here;
Led me to Hope, a City fair and large,
Built with much Beauty, and adorn'd with Charge.