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[A shell, bright Venus, wonder of the sea]

A shell, bright Venus, wonder of the sea,
Fair Selenæa dedicates to thee:
And the first tribute, which the maid cou'd give,
Me, little Nautilus, dread queen, receive:
Who o'er the waves, when blew propitious gales,
With my own cable stretch'd my proper sails:
“My legs as oars extending on each side,
“Hence call'd a Polyp in my pearly pride:”


The cabinet of Arsinoë to adorn
I to the Coan coast at length was borne.
No more for me to skim the silent flood,
O'er thy calm offspring, gentle Halcyon, brood:
But be that grace for Clinias' daughter found;
The maid is worthy, and from Smyrna bound.