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When sweetly Eunica I went to kiss,
The flouting Hussy took it much amiss:
Heighday! quo' she, sure Goodman Lout, for Shame!
Pray know your Distance from a City-Dame.
I was not bred with Lubbard Hinds to play,
But spruce-dress'd Gentlemen, polite and gay.
Go hideous Rustick! nor, presumptuous, seem
To press such Lips, so much as in a Dream.
What Looks thou hast? and how the Creature talks!
How fine he toys! how gracefully he walks!
What tender Things, a Lady's Heart to move,
Flow from his Mouth? and how he makes his Love?


How neat thy Beard? how curious is thy Hair!
Tann'd are thy Hands; thy Lips a filthy Pair.
Fough! how he smells! Hence Monster, leave the Place
Nor poyson me with such a foul Embrace!
Main pettishly she said, and, spitting thrice,
From Head to Foot survey'd me in a trice;
And, mutt'ring strangely, with a sourish Look,
Pouted her Mouth, to mock me as she spoke.
My Blood is in a Flame; my Body glows
With burning Blushes, like a Crimson Rose;
Away she toss'd: But, Goodness! how I start!
'Maz'd e'en to Death, and stounded at the Heart,
That when I only meant a merry Buss,
The Jilt shou'd tauntingly deride me thus.
But, Shepherds, look, for I appeal to You,
Am I not handsome? Say, and tell me true;
Or has some God new-cast my former Face,
And marr'd my Shape, to work me this Disgrace?
Ere now I'm sure, I had a comely Mein,
And my brown Beard, upon my shaded Chin,
Flourish'd like Ivy on the lofty Pine.
Full bushy Locks my graceful Temples crown'd,
Thick as green Parsly springs upon the Ground.
My Milk-white Front two jetty Brows cou'd shew,
And ev'n Minerva had not Eyes so blue.
Than Cream fresh-skimm'd my Mouth was sweeter far,
Nor with my Breath cou'd Honey-Combs compare;


Dettly I sing, and neatly ken the Way,
The jocund Pipe, and chearful Reed to play.
The Virgins on our Hills my Flames approve,
They love me all, tho' she refus'd my Love.
My Calling she despis'd; and, swell'd with Pride,
Because I was a Neat-Herd, turn'd aside.
She never heard, belike, that in the Mead,
Fair Bacchus did his sporting Heifers feed;
Nor knows that Venus, Beauty's Queen above,
Pin'd, and was frantick for a Herdsman's Love;
His Herd she tended, and in Woods ador'd
Her dear Adonis, and in Woods deplor'd.
What was Endymion? Was he not, I ween,
Like me, an honest Herdsman on the Green?
Yet for his Sake the Silver-shining Moon
Forsook the Skys, and came inamour'd down.
She scrupled not the Crook, but in the Grove
Of Latmos follow'd, and enjoy'd her Love.
Nor did the Mother of the Gods disdain
O'er a poor Herdsman sadly to complain;
And Jove himself once left his Juno's Bed,
For the blithe Boy who grazing Oxen fed.
But Eunica, forsooth, with haughty Mind,
Shorts at a Neat-herd, and a homely Hind;
For she, it seems, is one of more Renown
Then Cybele, and Venus, and the Moon.
So let her be; and since she is so great,
This City-Dame, and takes such plaguy State,


May the shy Flirt, in Country or in Town,
Find none to love, but always lye alone.