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The Works of John Sheffield

Earl of Mulgrave, Marquis of Normanby, and Duke of Buckingham. In two volumes ... The third edition, Corrected

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Ready to throw me at the Feet
Of that fair Nymph whom I adore,
Impatient those Delights to meet,
Which I enjoy'd the Night before;
By her wonted scornful Brow,
Soon the fond Mistake I find;
Ixion mourn'd his Error so,
When Juno's Form the Cloud resign'd.
Sleep, to make its Charms more priz'd
Than waking Joys, which most prevail,
Had cunningly itself disguis'd
In a Shape that could not fail.
There my Celia's snowy Arms,
Breasts, and other Parts more dear,
Exposing new and unknown Charms,
To my transported Soul appear.


Then you so much Kindness show,
My Despair deluded flies;
And indulgent Dreams bestow
What your Cruelty denies.
Blush not that your Image Love
Naked to my Fancy brought;
'Tis hard, methinks, to disapprove
The Joys I feel without your Fault.
Wonder not a fancy'd Bliss
Can such Griefs as mine remove;
That Honour as fantastick is,
Which makes you slight such constant Love.
The Virtue which you value so,
Is but a Fancy frail and vain;
Nothing is solid here below,
Except my Love, and your Disdain.