University of Virginia Library



Prethee be blith! sit not so Sadly,
Troth! this dull-humour makes thee look Badly,
Lov'st thou thy Friend, take this Canary,
Sweet Dispositions seldom should Vary,
Poor Soul! alas!
He wants his Glass;
Here is it
That Sharpes the wit,
And makes us Cheary.



One ounce of Myrth's worth ten of moaning,
There's little joy or pleasure in groaning,
Hast thou spent all the Cash in thy Pocket?
Or hast a Member not well in Socket?
Thoughts of this kind
Put out of mind!
Dost not ken,
Must Bouze and Smoak it?


'Tis to the King! take off the Bowl-full,
And be thou rather Drunken than Dolefull.
From a good Health let's never be shrinking,
We do not purpose pay it with thinking.
Pox on this Vein!
Let's quaff amain!
Let not Wine
Fall and pine
For want of Drinking.


If Melancholly make aparition,
Oh! let the Vintner be thy Physician.
If thou perceive a troublesome motion,
Take off thy Sack, for that's the best Potion.


And when th'art in,
Ne're fear thy skin!
Rather than
Want a dram,
Gives an whole Ocean.