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To this I frame my answer thus,
If God, that knows each heart of us,
Should immediatly from heaven tell
The reprobates, they are for hell


Ordain'd, without rdemption,
Or that he would not cause contrition
In them, yet exhort particularly
Such, to resent effectually,
There were some shew of mockery
In God, who is fidelity.
But here 'tis otherwise, I dare
Presume and cannot but declare:
For though the Lord doth oft entreat
Unto repent the reprobate,
Who're cast off in his secret will;
He not deludes I speak it still;
Because the Lord doth not invite
Immediately th'reprobate to light,
I mean immediately from heaven,
But mediately, by Ministers, 'tis given
To preach the Gospel, so that when
They preach, they speak unto all men;
Because they cannot say,

Acts 1. 24.

this is rejected

Or this, my hearer is elected:
For what they know, 'tis but in part,
'Tis God alone that knows

Chron 6 30

the heart:

To ev'ry man the truth they shew,
As to th'elect, for ought they know.