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VII. A preyer at þe leuacioun.

Welcome, Lord, In fourme of Bred!
In þe is boþe lyf and Ded,
Ihesus is þi nome.
Þou þat art In Trinite,
Lord, þow haue Merci of me
And schild þou me from schome.
Heil Ihesu, godus sone,
Holigost from heuene i-come,
Kyng þou art i-Coren;
Heil mon of most miht,
Godus sone þat art so briht,
Of Marie þou were boren.
Heil god, best þe be,
heil Blosme vppon tre,
Heried beo þi sonde!
Heil fruit, heil flour,
Heil be þou Saueour
Of watur and of londe.
Heil kyng, heil kniht,
heil mon of most miht,
Prince in þi Trone,
Heil Duyk, heil Emperour,
Heil beo þou gouernour
Of al þis worldus wone.
Heil flesch, heil blod,
heil mon of mylde mod,
Heil beo þow kyng;
Heil God ffeirest,
Heil beo þou, bern best,
Þow madest alle þyng.


Heil Rose vppon Rys,
heil mon of most pris,
ffor us þou were ded;
Heil God ful of miht,
Godus sone þat art so briht,
In fourme þou art of bred.