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A Paraphrase on The Ten Commandments in Divine Poems

Illustrated With Twelve Copper Plates, shewing how Personal Punishments has been inflicted on the Transgressors of these Commandments, as is Recorded in the Holy Scripture. Never before Printed. Also, a Metrical Paraphrase upon the Creed and Lord's-Prayer. Written by George Wither

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Command. III.


Command. III.

[To fright Blasphemers, we present them with]

If thou wilt free be kept from blame;
Take not in vain, GOD's holy NAME.

To fright Blasphemers, we present them with
An Emblem, of the Son of Shelomith:
(Who worthily, condemned was to dye,
And, Stoned for his daring Blasphemy:)
For, 'tis a Crime now ripened in excess,
Though branded with a horrid Guiltiness
And of this Blott, (who ever standeth free)
All these that follow deeply Guilty be.
The Common Swearer: For, his impious tongue
Not only to the Godhead, offers wrong;
But, (to his power) he sometime rends and tears
Christ's holy Body, when he vainly swears.
He that affecteth cursings groweth soul,
By what this Law forbids, For; on the Soul
Which loves to Curse, these plagues are often brought
Which to befall another, are besought.
They are not in a mean degree to blame,
Who shall prophane the great Almighty's name


Through Levity, as when him name they shall,
For trifling Causes; or, no cause at all.
He, that with Oaths, protests in matters vain;
Or, swearers for Truths, what he himself doth fain;
Or, tells for certain, an uncertain thing;
Or, vows to God, what he neglects to bring;
Or, maketh vows of what are not allowed:
Things lawful; or, things comely to be vowed:
Even he who ere he be that shall transgress
These ways, is tainted with a guiltiness.
For, all these ways, Gods name is vainly used;
And such offences cannot be excused.
To these we add our Scevites, who presume
The power of Exorcisms to assume,
And work by Conjurations of such kind,
As may no lawful approbation find,
And much from these, those Cheaters differ not,
Who by confederacy the name have got,
Of cunning men or women, and pretend.
To know black Arts and Practice, to defend
Our bodies, or to keep our goods from harms,
By wicked Spels; prophaning in the Charms,
The names of God, or portions of his Writ;
For, in such Actions they dishonour it.
Nor is he better who delights to make,
Gods Truth a Theam for vain discourses sake,
Or, thence extracteth Jests; or, reads, or hears
His Word, with heedless Eyes, with careless Ears,


Or unprepared Heart. Nor, are they less
Prophane; who to conceal their wickedness,
Or, meerly to be deemed men devout:
Still at their Girdles bear, Gods Book about,
Or, Study holy Scriptures to devise:
A Cloak for Sins; and proofs for Heresies,
Or, truths pervert their falshoods to maintain,
For, all of these assume Gods Name in vain.
They of the like offence partakers are,
Who (as they term it) make a Holy War
For Christ; And in his name do that pretend,
Which is for some concealed wicked end.
All they who pray for these, (by name of such,
Do fight Gods Battles) do offend as much
If they shall know it; For, accursed is
Such bold and bloody policy as this.
He that plots Treason, or invents a Lie,
The Cause of God or Truth to justifie;
Doth Stray as wide: For, to assist his Foes,
These in Gods Name; within his Ensign goes.
Moreover they are guilty of this Crime
Who in undecent manner or ill time
Reprove, or threat, or comfort, or apply
Gods promises, or Judgments, or deny,
Their needful application in Gods Name,
When time, and place for them require the same
For, of the Service, careless they appear,
Pertaining unto him, whose name they bear.


He breaks this Law who runs ere he be sent,
And in Gods name speaks what God never meant,
He that from Holy Orders, goeth back,
And by his Idleness becometh slack
In Duties of his Calling; or (grown rich,
By Church promotions) thinks it overmuch,
To execute that Function as he ought,
To which with wealth and honour he is brought,
Even he, what fair excuse so ere he make,
Is justly said Gods name in vain to take.
For, if he proveth guiltless, he receiv'd
A dispensation, more than I believ'd.
A Prayer without Faith; a formal mention
Of Gods due praise, without a due intention.
Yea, vain or complemental Salutations,
Without Sincerity are prophanations
Against this Law, though many men have thought,
That these are signs of persons better taught.
Dissembling Fasts; Thanksgivings mumbled out,
With babling Repititions, (and devout,)
In nought but feigned Term or length of Time,
Do make men guilty, likewise, of this Crime;
Nay many Sermons of the vulgar strain,
Are taking of the Name of God in vain.
He that his Church or Chappel hath bedeckt,
And yet Gods living Temples doth neglect.
He, that a love to those, doth seem to carry,
Yet, leaves defac'd his outward Sanctuary;


He that to bend his body is asham'd,
When he shall here his blessed Saviour nam'd.
He that without an inward Adoration,
Bows outwardly, or, with an Affectation,
To mimick Gestures; or, performs the same,
Unto the vocal sounding of the Name,
Or either practiseth, or leaves undone,
Such Duties in Contempt of any one:
Even He (though to be guiltless he pretends,)
Against this Third Commandement offends.
But none this holy precept more have broke
Than they, who on themselves Christs name have took;
Yet live like Infidels, excepting those,
Who guild Hypocrisy with Godly shows,
And under pious habits use to prey,
On those, (who being more sincere than they)
Are threatned, and suppose all well bestown,
While these will take; till nothing is their own.
God keep his Lambs from these as from the worst
Of all Dissembers, and the most accurst.
The Faults condemn'd, seem nothing to have bin
To this abhorred Hell begotten Sin,
Are Drunken Jollities, vnbridled passion,
A wicked Custom, Slight consideration,
And evil Nurture (but much blame is cast,
On Tutors and some Parents for the last,)
All these must therefore shunned be by him,
That would not Swear, For-swear, Curse nor Blaspheme.


This must be likewise heeded, that unless
We still (on all occasions) do confess,
The Name of God; and Sanctifie it too,
By such good Duties, as we ought to do:
(As in Relieving those who in his Name,)
Shall ask (without abusing of the same,)
In swearing by it, when just cause requires,
In suffering for it, (though by Sword and Fires)
When God may be dishonour'd, by a base
Forsaking of our Faith, or of our Place.
Yea, if we be not ready to our might,
In all Gods Attributes to do him right;
And honour him, in Deed, in Word, and Thought,
In what we can, (although not as we ought)
We faulter in our Duty; and 'tis plain,
We do profess to bear Gods name in vain.
“My Heart LORD GOD so settle in thy way
“That I this Law, may never disobey.