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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule

Set foorth by Sir William Leighton

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A generall confession of sinnes.


Omnipotent and gratious Father,

Mat. 15. 24. Luke. 15. 14. 1. Peet. 2. 27.

frō thy waies haue I strayed & er'd
Like a lost sheepe & follow'd rather,
Mine harts deuises and prefer'de.


My foolish fancies fond desires,

1. Iohn. 1. 9. 5. Iam. 5. 16.

& broake the lawes set downe by thee
I haue not done what thou requires,
but done those thinges that should not be.


No health's in me, but thou O God,
haue mercy on me sinfull wretch,
Spare me, oh spare me, hould thy rod:
that to offendors thou dost stretch.


I do confesse my faults restore me,
that doe repent (for Iesus sake)
That promis'd euer is before thee,
which thou in Christ to man did'st make.


And graunt for his sake liue I may,
a godly righte and sober life,


To thy names glory still for aye,
possessing heauen that shuts out strife.


All laude and praise be to thy name,
for euer and euer now and then,
To whom all nations sing with fame,
sweete psalmes of ioy, Amen, Amen.